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TSMJAN-logo.pngHoliday 2017 Workforce Management News
   Wishing all of our customers a very happy holiday and prosperous new year!
  • The 10 best construction apps for managing nearly every project imaginable
  • How to protect your business while respecting your employees' privacy rights
  • How three businesses are using one timekeeping solution to manage their employees
  • Why group chat apps are a perfect communication solution for mobile workforces
  • Why there is no substitute for strong leadership skills in business

The 10 Best Construction Management Apps for Your Mobile Workforce

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We're featuring the top construction apps that tackle nearly every construction-related task from soliciting and comparing bids to keeping track of employees and cutting down on timesheet fraud. Read more.

How to Track Your Mobile Employees While Respecting Their Privacy


When seeking out an employee time tracking solution, it's critical to select one that respects the boundaries between a worker’s personal and professional life – and does not threaten their right to privacy. Read more.

How Three Businesses Are Using One Timekeeping Solution to Save Hundreds Per Day


When you’re running three businesses and need to keep track of employees whose schedules are constantly changing, chances are the paper timesheets stack up while the accuracy declines. Read more.

The Six Benefits of Real-Time Chat For Your Mobile Workforce

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Group chat apps are better in many situations than conventional alternatives, such as phone, email or even face-to-face meetings, particularly for companies with a significant mobile workforce. Read more.

The Five Great Leadership Skills Every Business Needs

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While there is no shortage of innovative workforce tools that can help you better run a company, there's no technological substitute for a strong leader. Read more.

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